Welcome to
Maison de Meow
We are a non-profit street cat rescue mission that helps find loving homes for cats found on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. These cats are most often found in dire need of medical attention and it is our goal to provide extensive veterinary services and to find homes for each and every one. We are certified in TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) work and provide our services to all strays. Our work includes installing winter protection cat shelters, regularly feeding TNR cats, and providing medical attention to all in need. Maison de Meow has our own dedicated consultant veterinarian who helps keep our cats and kittens on the mend.
We owe our love of cats, and caring for all animals in need, to our mother Jane. Her lifelong empathy and work for stray animals inspired us to start Maison de Meow.
Some of our before-and-after rescue stories
Shelters in ‘Cat Alley’ in BedStuy, Brooklyn.